Man-Down Function On Caltta Two Way Radios

All PH600 Series portable Two-Way Radios from Caltta have man-down and lone worker function as standard helping to ensure worker safety.

Help your customers keep their workers safe with the man-down function on Caltta Two-Way Radio

Man-Down is a tilt-switch inside two-way radios that automatically sends an alarm signal if the radio is tipped on its side for more than a preset period. The radio beeps to warn the user that the alarm signal will be sent if the radio is not positioned upright again.

The purpose of the “man-down” feature is to protect lone workers, so if someone was to fall over incapacitating them, their radio would send out an alarm warning other users or the control centre, who can then send for help.

Man Down helps provide monitoring of workers by detecting if their radio is upright, or if the radio is on it’s side assumes there may be a problem. Radios which support Man Down are fitted with an accelerometer (or similar device) which allows them to detect the orientation of the radio.

If somebody slips or falls, they are likely to be on their side, Man Down will automatically detect this, activate and transmit an alert to call for help from a supervisor or other team members.

This works in almost the same way as your smartphone which knows if you have it positioned in portrait mode or landscape mode.

All PH600 Series portable Two-Way Radios from Caltta have man-down and lone worker function as standard helping to ensure worker safety.

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